Friday 3 October 2014

Characteristics Of Shapes Part 2

 Hello once again, I do hope I have peeked your interest so far with my blogs. If you did not see or read about you shape in my last blog, cheer up! I am continuing the CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAPES in this blog.

 FULL HOURGLASS- the word full speaks for itself, yes full and let me add curvy. You are full at the bust and hip and with rounded butt and shapely thighs with small waist. The full hourglass shape is most proportioned shape of all body shape, your shoulders and curvy hips are equal in size another plus to your shape, if you gain weight it is distribute evenly to your curves.

PEAR/ TRIANGLE- Your pear shape body, boast of thighs and butt as the body's center of attention.  Your shoulder is narrower than your hips with a defined and may carry Legs that are likely to be full or muscular. let me tell you to embrace you pear shape, you will like some of the famous pears, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, and Beyonce`. I added Rihanna, she is an example of a small pear shape body. Your pear shape body is the epitome of a womanly shape.

INVERTED TRIANGLE- The bearer of large breasts, broad back the give support to your full bust and generous tummy. The inverted triangle`s best assets are most time your legsBalance your figure and draw attention to your gorgeous pins with a pair of sexy stilettos. 

APPLE- You have the appearance of being wider at the waist line with good legs and boobs, rounded shoulder some of you may have flattish butt and slim limbs especially the arms. 

I hope you can now positively identify your body shape. in my next post we get into the exciting stuff, clothing trends for your body shape.


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