Thursday 18 September 2014


    Thanks for viewing my blog. I started this blog for two main reasons, one, as  a class project for Communication via Social Networking. The other, it was an opportunity to share some fashion tips and yes, some tricks. As a seamstress / fashion designer for almost 30 years, I have learnt a lot from trial and error, from other designers in the industry and from my own personal challenges.
Throughout my career some of the predominant issues I encountered were women choosing clothing styles that did not flatter their body in anyway. The styles were beautiful, but did look right once it was their bodies. This is because our bodies come in many different shapes, some which are fondly called apple shaped, pear shaped, hour glass, triangle, column, upside down triangle, these shape influences how our body we look when wear these clothing. 

As females, our body goes through the most changes, which start from puberty and work its way to menopause. So does the way we look in clothes. To help us women chose the right clothing to wear for our body shape, in my next blog I will introduce to you the different body shapes and as we go along I will share on each shape and recommend a different style of clothing suited for that particular shape.

Don’t feel left out men, this blog will also help you understand the women in your life body shape, it will also help when it comes to choosing what to buy in the clothing department for you ladies. please enjoy. and Thank you for viewing my blog...


  1. Hey looking forward I will be happy to get tips for styles for my body type

    1. Thanks you Fun Healthy Foods. healthy food and good fitting clothing works well together

  2. Very interesting, I did not know the body's shape had categorizes wow

    1. Yes it does! Patrick the interesting thing is a lot of women don`t know this either.

  3. This is most certainly a challenge for some women. We often see people wearing clothing that is somewhat antagonistic to their body shape. I agree that a lack of knowledge about body type, and what best suit the various types is a major factor in some wardrobe failures.

    1. Yes Rosanna it is.
      As a designer/ seamstress I made it my duty to let my customers know about their body type, which made it easier for them choose clothing styles that suited them.Whether they are custom sewing or buying.

  4. This information you have shared is so true, the choices we woman make inconnection with style and our body type/shapes. It's so easier when you have a stylist or skills as a designer to go it right...
